Dual Enrollment Programs
The Dual Enrollment program offers students with junior and senior status the opportunity to receive college credit and high school credit concurrently. Red Lion has partnerships with Penn State York, York College, Saint Joseph's University Lancaster and Harrisburg Area Community College-York Campus and others. Students accepted by one of the partner institutions enroll in a college course, and in
addition to receiving college credit upon successful completion of the course, also receive high school credit. For example, students who successfully complete a freshman level college English class would also receive 1.0 high school credit for senior English. Detailed information regarding Dual Enrollment opportunities are listed below.
Commonwealth University of Pennsylvania
Harrisburg Area Community College
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Millersville University
Penn State University - York
Saint Joseph's University Lancaster
York College
How to Request your Transcript for Dual Enrollment Application(s):
1) Complete the Naviance Transcript Release Form (found below) and return to the Counseling Office.
*Only the highlighted portion needs to be completed
2)Follow these steps to request your transcript via Naviance:
Log-in to Naviance
- Click on Colleges
- Under Apply to Colleges, click on Manage Transcripts
-Click on the plus sign
- Choose Other Transcript
- What type of Transcript are you requesting?
- Choose Initial if you are requesting the transcript prior to January 31st
- Choose Mid-Year if you are requesting the transcript after January 31st
- What is the transcript for? Click Dual Enrollment
- Be sure to include due date if applicable
- Be sure to include the recipient address or email, etc
-Complete the form
- Request and Finish
**Allow five (5) school days for processing