Preschool » Preschool Student Info

Preschool Student Info

Course Description

Child Development II  Course Description

Weight: 1.1    Credit: 0.5 – semester
This course is open to juniors and seniors who have successfully passed the Child Development I course with a "C" or better or with teacher approval.  If you like working with children, then this course is for you!  The course provides valuable experience for those students furthering their education in early childhood or elementary education, and also provides skills for the future role of parenting.
The course of study includes child care options, health and safety concerns, infant and child CPR, and skills such as learning games, craft activities, storytelling, children’s songs, and planning nutritious snacks.  Students “work” in a 12 -14 week preschool setting with 3-, 4-, and 5-year-old children.

The Lion’s Den Preschool Experience
The Lion’s Den Preschool is a lab-type experience for students who are motivated, have demonstrated effective work habits in the Child Development I course, and have an interest in a possible career related to working with children.
Students gain experience setting up and running a preschool program including writing lesson plans and teaching lessons, games, songs, stories, and crafts and preparing & serving daily snacks based on weekly themes that are age appropriate.
The goal for each teacher is to help the children in the preschool program develop into learners who will be ready for kindergarten by the age of 5.  The teachers help the children develop acceptable social skills and behaviors that will enable them to succeed in a school setting and have a positive sense of self.
Grading for Preschool

The Child Development II course was developed to give juniors and seniors a “hands-on” experience of working with and observing 3, 4, and 5-year-old children.

There are a number of different assignments during the preschool program.  Most of the work involves working in groups of two teachers per class period. Your active participation in the planning and implementing of the children’s activities is essential to the success of the preschool program.

Preschool students are graded on the following assignments:

-      Completion of weekly lesson plans

-      Completion of weekly observations

-      Completion of preschool evaluations

-      Active participation as a “teacher” each week
Preschool Due Dates

It is expected that all preschool students turn in class work on the dates assigned:
     Lesson plans are due each Friday.  Plans turned in late receive half credit.
  • If necessary, a second lesson plan will be due Monday of the week to be taught. Supply sheets are to be turned in each Friday and are purchased/prepared by the teacher.
  • Observations of children are done weekly and summary of the observation is due Monday.