Mr. Chad Donagher » Syllabus


  1. Algebra 1 B

Mr. Donagher


Course Description:

This is an algebra course, which prepares students for Keystone Exam and business as well as trade and technical schools and two-year college throughout the course of the year: order of operations, integers, equations, graphing and writing equations of lines, inequalities, and probability. New topic included: systems, exponents, radicals, and polynomials.



     Algebra 1 (by Carter, Cuevas, Day, Malloy, Holiday, and Luchin). Your textbook will remain in class unless you do not complete a classwork assignment. Along with and other supplemented material, will be used to accomplish the goal of the Keystone Exam.



     Most assignments could be completed in class if you use your time wisely. Almost all assignments are graded either on accuracy or completion. If you should happen to not finish an assignment, you will need to complete the assignment and turn it in ASAP.



     Your grade is determined by the average of points. There are NO weights. Each quarter is worth 20% with the midterm and final exam combined to make up the final 20%. I do NOT round! See to the left for the break down of letter grades.

97-100 (A+)

93-96 (A)

90-92 (A-)

87-89 (B+)

83-86 (B)

80-82 (B-)

77-79 (C+)

73-76 (C)

70-72 (C-)

67-69 (D+)

63-66 (D)

60-62 (D-)

59 below (E)



     A folder is recommended for the course. Students will be given the option of using class notes, on occasion, for quizzes. Therefore, order should be by units and in chronological order. Notebooks should include: daily notes guides, classwork, and quizzes.



     A TI-30 Calculator is HIGHLY recommended for this course. It will be used in math everyday. It is best to provide your own. You may not use the calculator on your phone, due to the fact you can NOT use your phone on the state exam.



     You may get help before and after school. Please stop by and see me. If you are planning on staying after school please make prior arrangements before the date. If you should be “at risk” during the marking period, you may be spending mandatory quality time with me after school till 3:15 once a week until your grade it up (this is to get you one on one help). Should you not show, you will receive a detention through the office at which time I will hunt you down in detention and will provide you the one on one help necessary.